Ministry Safe Program
Ministry Safe is the official abuse prevention system used by many church across the nation.
2. Info completed at the links below so that a background check can be completed.
You may obtain this training by contacting and requesting access to the training.
You must also complete the info in the links (3) are listed below for you to complete the forms required for approvals, background checks, general information,
(All info will be kept confidential and will only be used to verify completion of training and of background checks.)
- All our staff members and volunteers who work with children, and youth and vulnerable adults go through an extensive screening, national background check, and child protection/abuse training
- Because trust is so fundamental to the well being of the Christian community, people have the right to expect that those they choose as Christian leaders (lay and ordained) are committed to standards of behavior that are trustworthy. We are bound to serve and to respect the dignity of every human being.
- We are committed to maintaining a safe environment where your children and youth are nurtured and instructed in the faith and protected from abuse or neglect. We believe that your children are very precious both to you and to us. Toward that end we require all persons working with our children and youth to participate in training regarding the safety and protection of our children. We also require that our leaders agree to allow background checks as they work with our children.
Before working with our children/youth, two things must be completed:
1. Ministry Safe Child Protection Training, and2. Info completed at the links below so that a background check can be completed.
You may obtain this training by contacting and requesting access to the training.
You must also complete the info in the links (3) are listed below for you to complete the forms required for approvals, background checks, general information,
(All info will be kept confidential and will only be used to verify completion of training and of background checks.)