Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
"Go ye therefore and make disciples of all nations....." LRBC is a mission-minded church. We are willing to go...and we do go.
We have had the privilege of working in missions in foreign countries--Haiti, Togo, Puerto Rico, Romania, and many more. We have been blessed to participate in mission trip in our own state and country- traveling to Butler, Pa, and Burgaw, NC. More recently in the aftermath of the devastation right here in our own backyard - Western North Carolina - we continue to search for and find opportunities to reach out to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we strive to serve others in our area.
We have had the privilege of working in missions in foreign countries--Haiti, Togo, Puerto Rico, Romania, and many more. We have been blessed to participate in mission trip in our own state and country- traveling to Butler, Pa, and Burgaw, NC. More recently in the aftermath of the devastation right here in our own backyard - Western North Carolina - we continue to search for and find opportunities to reach out to be the hands and feet of Jesus as we strive to serve others in our area.

Support of Missionaries
Missionaries around the world
Andrew & Devynn Banks-Virginia U (The Navigators)
Samuel's Haven- local
Fred & Joyce Wall-Haiti
Nickolay Revtov - Russia
Samuel Thirumeni - India
Soritau Family - Romania
Randy Guadalupe - Phillipines
Rick Plotts - Spanish local missions
Samuel's Haven- local
Fred & Joyce Wall-Haiti
Nickolay Revtov - Russia
Samuel Thirumeni - India
Soritau Family - Romania
Randy Guadalupe - Phillipines
Rick Plotts - Spanish local missions
Mission Programs
Lottie Moon Offering - Foreign Missions
Annie Armstrong Offering - Home Missions
Broyhill Children's Home
VRQ - Veterans Restoration Quarters
Community Missions
OCC-Operation Christmas Child
Isaac Homes Youth Shelter
Transylvania Christian Firefighters
Evangelism Explosion
The Haven Homeless Shelter
The Center for Women
Fair Ministry
Field Workers Ministry
Annie Armstrong Offering - Home Missions
Broyhill Children's Home
VRQ - Veterans Restoration Quarters
Community Missions
OCC-Operation Christmas Child
Isaac Homes Youth Shelter
Transylvania Christian Firefighters
Evangelism Explosion
The Haven Homeless Shelter
The Center for Women
Fair Ministry
Field Workers Ministry
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on upcoming mission trips
We continually search for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
When we find opportunities to go as a group to any area for service that information will be posted here.
When we find opportunities to go as a group to any area for service that information will be posted here.